Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thing #17 - "One New Thing" - Surveymonkey


Today I sent out a short survey to staff at AHS about coaching and how teachers think it is working. The survey was created at

It is really easy to use and free if you don't have too many questions - or you can pay a little to upgrade your services.

Here is the survey I created:

Student Work

I thought it would be fun to show off some of the "stuff" I am helping students work on at Arlington. One area has been in video production. Here is a video students created this semester in our foods lab. (I hope this works!)

It took too long to upload - will try again later!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Technology Integration & Coaching

This year I am working at Arlington in the area of technology integration. It is the first time in 20 years as a teacher that I don't have classes and students assigned to me all day. There are many things that need to be done, and sometimes it seems like I am running in place. As one problem gets fixed - two or three more seem to take its place.

I like the technology and working with staff and students. I don't like the meetings and the feeling that you should be able to "fix" every problem immediately. When I was in the classroom, I could control most of the factors that affected my teaching. Now it seems like the problems are bigger and much harder to control.

I guess the answer is to keep working and not worry so much . . . if only it were that easy!